Self aligning roller bearings have double row rollers,with one shared spherical raceway on the outer ring and two race- ways on the inner ring that are tilted at an angle relative to the bearing axis.This ingenious structure enables it to have automatic centering performance,making it less susceptible to errors or shaft bending caused by the angle between the shaft and the bearing housing.
Self aligning roller bearings have double row rollers,with one shared spherical raceway on the outer ring and two race- ways on the inner ring that are tilted at an angle relative to the bearing axis.This ingenious structure enables it to have automatic centering performance,making it less susceptible to errors or shaft bending caused by the angle between the shaft and the bearing housing.It is suitable for situations where installation errors or shaft bending cause angle errors.
This bearing can not only withstand radial loads,but also axial loads acting in both directions.
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