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When mounting rolling bearings, we strictly forbid using a hammer to directly strike the end faces of the bearings and the non – stressed surfaces. We should use presses, sockets or other specialized mounting tools to make the bearings withstand even pressure, and must not transmit the mounting force through the rolling elements.
If we lubricate the mounting surfaces, the mounting process will be smoother. If the degree of interference is large, we should place the bearing in mineral oil, heat it to 80 to 90°C, and then mount it as soon as possible. We must strictly control the temperature of the oil, ensuring it does not exceed 100°C, to prevent tempering effects that may reduce hardness and affect dimensional recovery. When we encounter difficulties in dismantling, we recommend carefully pouring hot oil on the inner ring while pulling it outwards with the dismantling tool.

The heat will cause the inner ring of the bearing to expand, making it easier to remove it.

Not all bearings require the smallest working clearance, and the appropriate clearance must be selected according to the actual conditions. In the national standard 4604-93, the radial clearance of rolling bearings is divided into five groups, respectively -2 groups, 0 groups, 3 groups, 4 groups, 5 groups, the clearance value in accordance with the order from small to large, of which 0 groups belong to the standard clearance.
Basic radial clearance group for general operating conditions, conventional temperature and commonly used interference fit; in high temperature, high speed, low noise, low friction and other special conditions of work bearing, it is best to use a larger radial clearance; for the precision spindle, machine tool spindle bearings, etc., it is appropriate to use a smaller radial clearance; for roller bearings, you can keep a small amount of work clearance.
In addition, for the separation of the bearing, the clearance does not have practical significance; Finally, the bearing installed on the machine after the working clearance, will be smaller than the original clearance before installation, this is because the bearing in the rotation of the bearing to withstand a certain amount of load, and bearing fit as well as the load will produce the amount of elastic deformation.
When adjusting bearings with inlaid seals, we must strictly enforce two steps to address the problem of sealing defects.
Adjust the mounting cap structure of the inlaid seal bearing to both sides of the bearing, start from the installation structure of the equipment bearing to adjust, no need to contact with the bearing directly, in the bearing outside of the dustproof treatment. The sealing effect of this structure is better than the sealing of the bearing itself sold by the bearing agent, which can directly cut off the intrusion path of particulate matter and ensure the cleanliness inside the bearing. At the same time, this structure expands the heat dissipation space of the bearing, and the damage to the anti-fatigue performance of the bearing is smaller.
Although the sealing effect of the external sealing method of the bearing is good, the heat dissipation path will be hindered to a certain extent, so it is necessary to install cooling components. The cooling device can reduce the operating temperature of the lubricant, and after cooling, the natural heat dissipation can prevent the bearing from operating in a high temperature state.